Art of slavery™ (Aos™) is a national consortium for slaves and/or those submissives/bottoms (male or female) that might be interested in pursuing the art and life of slavery within the lifestyle to come and share information. In addition, Aos™ also has many switches as members that have a strong servant side of them and/or may serve as a slave in addition to their switch side. Aos™ prides itself on being a comfy cozy forum where those of like mind can come together for support, networking, discussion, enlightenment, inspiration to further themselves, and overall camaraderie. There are no lifestyle “politics” within this consortium as everyone treats each other with respect and honor in all of our diverse ways. All opinions and insight are welcome here! We have many members with different lifestyles, terminology, and dynamics ranging from new submissives looking for mentoring, part-time, fulltime, male and female, seasoned real time slaves, 24/7, Total Power Exchange (TPE), Absolute Power Exchange (APE), Gorean, Partial Power Exchange (PPE), service oriented exchanges, as well as other dynamics not mentioned. The philosophy is that no one relationship is the same although for many of us the mindset is. Additionally, many of us enjoy getting together at a local level and have socials or get-togethers accordingly in an effort to maintain the bonding and friendships that is special to each of us or we network at national conferences. At this time, based on member feedback, this forum does not allow admittance to those of the Dominant/Master identity. This has aided in a positive comfort level of all members to share and network. If you want concrete support based on the reality of this lifestyle, this group is for you as this is a real time group with real time slaves that are active across the national community. We are all here to aid in our own glorious respective arts of slavery that fulfill us all in this world we call…Power Exchange.
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